1AMATH.ZIP 399,845 09-25-92 ADVENTURE MATH: Epic's New Educational Game!An excellent shareware learning experiencefrom the makers of Jill of the Jungle. Solveaddition & subtraction problems in 256 snazzy
VGA colors. Adlib scores, Sound Blaster soundeffects and voice! Makes learning fun forages 5-10. Epic MegaGames, member ASP.
1CRAYON2.ZIP 211,478 12-01-92 Magic Crayon 2.0 from Alive Software,coloring games for kids 3 to 12. Creativeexperience for kids who like to explore andexperiment with color and shapes. Includesseveral pictures for coloring, music,
Icon-based menu. Coloring book, Alphabet,numbers, shading and funny cartoons. Top 10game Requires: EGA or VGA and a MouseSupports: Adlib, Soundblaster, Printer
1GAZER.ZIP 30,220 11-24-92 Star Gazer is a Fun Game of What I Call"Refexive Counting". This Program AlsoDoubles as a Tutor for Children Showing ThemRelations Between Fractions and Percentages.
ABC440.ZIP 223,625 01-04-94 ABC Fun Keys V.4.40 Preschool gamesCompletely new full-screen alphabet graphicsand familiar nursery rhyme songs. This set offour games is a huge hit with young children.Very educational too! Scrolling song lyrics
for sing-alongs. A control panel allows anadult to configure each game to the child'sability level. Many options. SupportsHercules Mono, CGA, EGA, and VGA.
ADDALOTM.ZIP 310,871 08-25-93 SIR ADDALOT is LANDMARK's new math game! Thisarcade style educational game improvesaddition and subtraction skills as kids facedragons in enchanted castles. The Game haslevels for a wide range of skills. Come join
the adventure in this 256 color VGA learningexperience! Ages 6-12 by Landmark Solutions.
AMATH.ZIP 399,845 09-25-92 ADVENTURE MATH: Epic's New Educational Game!An excellent shareware learning experiencefrom the makers of Jill of the Jungle. Solveaddition & subtraction problems in 256 snazzy
VGA colors. Adlib scores, Sound Blaster soundeffects and voice! Makes learning fun forages 5-10. Epic MegaGames, member ASP.
ATLAS94E.ZIP 182,214 01-14-94 EducAtlas 1994 World statistical atlas >>>>>>1994 issue !!!! <<<<<< English version Morethan 160 countries - The new states : CzechRep., Slova- kia, Erythrea) - The greatorganizations (NATO, NAFTA ...) - Crossed
sorting of all data - Printing on both laserand dot matrix printers. Save your maps inPCX files - You can update the data file.Shareware $ 20 - New edition !! >>> THE WORLDON YOUR PC ! <<<-1994-1994-1994-1994-1994-1994-
ATTACK12.ZIP 93,847 07-14-93 Letter Attack v1.2: educational game is theoffspring of Alien Attack - aliens areattacking and you must destroy them beforethey reach earth; words fall from the top ofthe screen and you must type them before the
BABYK110.ZIP 118,444 09-02-91 Baby Keys V1.1.0 is the Latest Version of aGame for Infants Aged 6 to 24 Months. theChild Presses a Key on the Computer Keyboard,and the Program Produces a Variety of SoundsAccompanied By Graphical Images. Requires
BAF30.ZIP 275,642 05-01-93 Bert's African Animals, with voice - no extrhardware needed. A children's coloringprogram for introducing young children to thecomputer. VGA and mouse needed.
BALLO38.ZIP 63,978 09-11-91 Program Draws Balloons and Plays a Tune forSmall Children. Keeps My 2 Year Old Busy!
BD30.ZIP 306,161 05-01-93 Bert's Dinosaurs, with voice - no extrahardware needed. A children's coloringprogram for introducing young children to thecomputer. VGA and mouse needed.
BIGMAT10.ZIP 98,161 03-16-93 BIG MATH ATTACK! tests your math skillsspelling, typing and metric conversionsskills in a fun arcade environment. EGA.Several skill levels are available that makesthis program suitable for both children and
adults. Top scores recorded.
BPA30.ZIP 283,269 06-03-93 Bert's Prehistoric Animals, with voice - noextra hardware needed. A children's coloringprogram for introducing young children to thecomputer. VGA and mouse needed.
BTB102.ZIP 101,655 04-07-93 BEAT the BOMB V 1.02 Addition Drill ProgramRace against a clock, a bomb, or a snail orbuild castles with correct answers. Manyoptions: change number of problems, missingfactors, etc. Sound, clock, and animation can
be turned on or off. Setups and scores saved.Fast animated color graphics. Free. Enhancedversion ($15 + $3 S&H) includes subt., mult.,div., combined mode, more animation. Needsmouse, 512k, DOS 2.1 min., color EGA/VGA.
BWD30.ZIP 242,421 06-01-93 Bert's Whales and Dolphins, with voice - noextra hardware needed. A children's coloringprogram for introducing young children to thecomputer. VGA and mouse needed.
BWDCC32.ZIP 361,032 09-12-93 Whales and Dolphins 3.2 Children's Coloring
CARD24.ZIP 26,379 01-11-93 Math Game.
CASHKID.ZIP 86,168 10-13-93 Cash for Kids - helps teach children 5-13 tomanage their money wisely. A simplecheckbook-style register recordstransactions, and allowances are depositedautomatically. Your child sets future
spending goals and graphs show if they aresaving enough to reach them.
CBOOK16.ZIP 187,553 03-04-94 Coloring Book Version 1.6! A classic child'stoy is now here for your computer. ColoringBook 1.6 comes with 10 pictures (35 picturesin the registered version) that children cancolor and print. Kids need no help learning
to use. Needs both VGA and a mouse to work.This version has an updated icon interface &properly prints to both Epson & HP printers.
CFP303.ZIP 50,642 07-19-93 The CFP Toy Box (TM) #3.03 Shareware toys forkids lets you draw, play music, transport toanother universe, and more. C programmers canget source code and instruction in the book,
"C for Fun and Profit," by Steve Schustack,Prentice Hall Computer Publishing, 1993. Alesson in C pointers and linked lists for Cprogrammers is also given by the program. TheCFP Toy Box works on any PC.
CG40.ZIP 193,509 07-18-92 Children's Graphics Ver. 4.0 and Dr. Motes'Colorbook Ver. 2.0. With this software youcan use lines, circles, boxes, text, andmacros to create pictures. You can also edit,save, paint and animate your drawings.
Requires EGA, mouse and 640K RAM.
COLORVGA.ZIP 221,629 02-23-92 Colormatching Game for Preschooler.
CRAYON32.ZIP 271,108 02-22-94 CRAYON BOX 3.2 Coloring book & kid games Asketch/paint book, math quizzer, counting &color identification, USA states game,spirographs, Concentration memory game,music. Fun! Requires EGA or VGA, mouse, HDand 1 child :)
DMCB20.ZIP 120,499 07-14-92 Dr. Motes' Colorbook Version 2.0 An EGAcoloring book with 32 colors and shades tochoose from. You can store your pages forlater use. Requires 256K RAM, EGA graphics,and a mouse.
DOLLCOMP.ZIP 424,713 03-01-94 Rachel's Fashion Dolls v1.0 <ASP> Children'spaper doll dressup-coloring program that willappeal to a wide age group, but is easyenough for preschoolers.
DRAWIT12.ZIP 36,065 08-05-92 Great Way to Entertain the Kids. Nifty LittlDrawing Program Self-Extract.
DRAWSOM.ZIP 65,597 06-15-92 Visual Delight for Children 18 Months and Up.
DRESSMUP.ZIP 145,298 08-19-91 Dressmeup an Electronic Paper Doll Programfor Kids. Child Selects Stuffed Animal (Boyor Girl). Clothing (Hats, Shoes, PantsEtc.)is Hiddne Behind Cabinet. WatercolourSet Provided to Paint Animals or Clothing.
DRWSOM26.ZIP 64,822 06-14-92 Drawsome V2.6: Draws Lines With a Hand as thHand is Moved With the Arrow-Keys or With theMouse, for Kids. Assistware
ECB.ZIP 121,926 02-09-90 Ega Electronic Coloring Book - Really CuteKids Will Love It!!
EGACB.ZIP 122,540 10-05-90 Ega Coloring Book Great Coloring Game for Kid
FLSHCARD.ZIP 65,611 03-10-92 Flash Cards Math - Add/Sub/Mult/Div/Mixed.
FTL1D.ZIP 120,268 11-02-93 Follow the leader 1.5 Is an OUTSTANDING VGAGAme For ALL Ages From Wonder-Soft .ThisVersion has FULL MOUSE SUPPORT. (Shareware).
FUN23_10.ZIP 981,380 12-31-93 ====== AMY'S FUN-2-3 ADVENTURE! (V1.0) ======Simply a must-have educational game for your2-5 year old child, previously only availablecommercially! Amy is a cute little puppy whowill lead your child on a number-learning
journey that is sure to be entertaining! Re-quires VGA/MCGA, 286+, 640K. Supports AdLib,Sound Source and Sound Blaster cards. Greatgraphics, smooth animation and loads of digi-tized speech & sound effects add to the fun.Kid's educational shareware doesn't get anybetter than this! Published by Devasoft.
GNOMES.ZIP 475,766 03-13-92 Metrognomes Music Kids Game.
GOOSE10.ZIP 20,924 07-30-93 Mother Goose v1.0: children's game whose goais to stimulate skills in reading, memory, &in the use of the keyboard; the child reads arhyme, supplies the word that is missing, andthen enters that word via the keyboard
GUESS320.ZIP 16,654 12-07-93 Guess A Number (1 to 500). Great fun forchildren of all ages! Hints using color orcharacters (mono systems) plus sound.
HACINC.ZIP 194,706 04-08-92 This is the Home Alone Coloring Book F/Kids.
HANGMN64.ZIP 83,321 12-09-93 Hangman: single, childrens and party ver. Useyour own words or supplied lists! Color andmono support. Series version 6.4
HJMM1.ZIP 337,333 10-07-93 Using POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT techniques only,this educational game is targeted at 5 to 9year olds. IMAGES are placed on screen as therepresentation of what the child needs tospell. The child is rewarded with each
correct spelling, and he or she CANNOT get itwrong. Users can create/edit WORD/IMAGE listfiles as needed. This is the Multimediaedition from Alston Software Labs. RequiresVBRUN200.DLL
IDPTILES.ZIP 41,720 05-26-93 Fun Paint-Type Block Building Program For Kid$6 Shareware Registration, Well Worth The Pri
JOHNCMP.ZIP 207,988 05-29-92 John's Animated Computer Game for Young Kids.
JURAS122.ZIP 655,349 01-23-94 JURASSIC SPELLING, V2.0 <ASP> A fantastic newspelling program that really talks! Itfeatures sound-board or PC speaker supportand high resolution graphics. You can use theexisting word files or enter your own words
up to 500 of your own word files Get visualand/or aural rewards for correct responses.Lots of fun! Requires DOS 2.1+, 640K RAM, andVGA.
KIDART10.ZIP 207,107 02-10-94 KIDART 1.0. 20 children's drawings convertedto graphics files. BMP format (16-color bit-mapped) suitable for Windows 3.x Wallpaper.Same files in PCX format. Not great art, butcould be fun. Best in color. Requires
appropriate software and hardware for use ofBMP or PCX format.
KIDTRV.ZIP 159,893 07-22-93 KIDS TRIVIA NEW RELEASE ! Based on DanLinton's TRIVIA SHELL Product! Are yourchildren whiz kids? Well they will be after around of this game! Geared just for thechildren ages 10 & up this game will keep
them busy for hours learning while they arehaving fun. Have a game of Kids Trivia!Requires Minimum EGA. Supports Mouse & KBD.
KMATH10.ZIP 40,482 07-21-92 Kids Math V1.0 Simple Math Tutor
LETTERS.ZIP 9,094 09-07-92 A Great Game for 1 to 3 Year Olds. Type BigLetters on the Screen in Many Colors.
MATCHMAK.ZIP 59,860 11-26-91 Matchmaker Game for Girls 7-14 Yrs. Great foFeb 14. Ega or Higher Required.
MATCH_M7.ZIP 153,595 06-21-93 Matching program for children 3 & up: veryeasy program allows small children to matchcolors, shapes, numbers, cars and more.
MATHCITY.ZIP 37,175 03-25-92 Forbidden City of Mathematics. an"Educational" Adventure-Type Game for EgaGraphics. Wander the Dark Forests of Pheel asYou Search for the Forbidden City. Shareware.From "Extra Credit Industries".
MATHGM.ZIP 72,280 11-08-92 MATH GAME pits your country against anotherin an olympic setting. Choose from severallevels of math problems, winner is awardedbronze, silver or gold medal at a ceremonywhere the flag is raised and the country's
song is played. Great, fun math practice forgrades 2 to 7. ASP Shareware from TexaSoft.
MATHWIZ.ZIP 61,310 01-30-93 Vga Math Game.
MAZE20.ZIP 33,652 01-01-91 Generate Mazes on Cga, Ega or Vga Monitors!Great for Kids. Compatible With Graphics.Com.Very Good.
MAZES4.ZIP 140,825 03-27-92 4 Maze Generating Programs With Source WhichCan be Printed. 3 Print to Any Printer WithIBM Character Set. 4th Requires Enclosed TSR.Excellent for Young Kids Down to 4 Years.
MC12V12.ZIP 105,328 01-26-94 MATHCOUNTS1+2 v1.2 <ASP> - Grades 1 and 2, +,-, x, counting, time, fractions, wordproblems, place value, and more. Graphicsbased, includes record-keeping, instructivefeedback, can be customized. For students
with different rates of learning. Difficultychosen automatically or by instructor. FromAble Art Software, registration $29.95
MC34V12.ZIP 135,331 01-26-94 MATHCOUNTS3+4 v1.2 <ASP> - Grades 3 and 4, +,-, x, /, %, also includes record keeping;estimation, fractions, decimals and money,word problems, and more. Context-sensitiveremedial review, automatic and menu modes for
beginners to advanced students who need aflexible, individualized approach. From AbleArt Software, registration $29.95
MMATCH10.ZIP 78,009 05-28-93 Meghan's Matching Game v1.0: simple matchinggame; great for young kids; also good forpeople who are afraid of computers; requiresVGA 640 x 480 & mouse.
MOM430.ZIP 170,479 06-28-93 SCHOOL-MOM V4.3 <ASP> Comprehensiveeducational software for children of allages. Has multiple learning levels for music,math, English, alphabet, time and art. Alsohas an exam generator. Colorful, educational,
easy to use and fun. For IBM PC's andcompatibles. Requires EGA or better and 640 KRAM. Mouse is optional.
MONDO10L.ZIP 46,470 01-17-93 MONDO MATH v1.0L Arcade-style game thatteaches math. Especially well suited foryoung children (3 and up) and for people withdisabilities of movement. Extensivecustomizations possible. Keeps track of
progress for multiple players.
MTHFLASH.ZIP 45,432 10-12-93 Math Flashcards - is a math game thatincreases math skills. Each game contains 10problems. It covers addition, subtraction,multiplication, or division. Different skilllevels are included. Requires DOS 3.2+.
PALLANDA.ZIP 125,351 01-27-91 Kid's Colorful Ez Board Game.
PPK20A.ZIP 1102,304 07-09-94 Preschool Pack - colorful graphics, songs,and speech. Six entertaining activities. Yourpreschooler will learn about counting, numberrecognition, the alphabet, colors, matching,classifying, name & phone #. Full mouse
support. SB version available.
PUZLFACT.ZIP 88,413 05-08-92 Puzzle Factory for Kids of All Ages.
QUIZM31.ZIP 191,077 05-26-93 QuizMaker v3.1 - a Multi-Media educationaltool and Trivia game. Make or take quizzes ortests in multiple formats. QuizMaker'sdevelopment module makes it easy to createinteractive quizzes. You can also add VOICE,
MUSIC and GRAPHICS. Program has an anti-virus self check. Requires Harddisk and ColorMonitor. Shareware $24.50.
RANDY10.ZIP 201,290 02-26-94 Randy's Games on Paper 4 Kids v1.0.Collection of games for children based onpencil and paper games from childhood. Theyinclude a maze module designed to createmazes of varying degrees of difficulty, a
word search modul
RDRDOINC.ZIP 121,068 09-14-92 Reading Rodeo for Kids.
ROO.ZIP 92,941 01-22-92 A Logo-Like Learning Game for Kids 5-13Simple to Learn Program 'roo' to Move Arounda Grid.
SAHARA1.ZIP 6,894 03-28-91 Great Kids Game
SCIENCE1.ZIP 70,131 03-25-92 Science Quest 1 - the Class Has Gone!"Educational" Video Game From the Author ofthe Highly Entertaining But Not VeryIntellectual "Forbidden City of Math". Searchthe School for Your Mysteriously
SCIRCUS.ZIP 431,823 06-27-94 BILLY BEAR JOINS THE CIRCUS,EGA Education- alMultimedia Program. A circus has come totown. Come see the lions, tigers and BillyBear! Billy's dream comes true. For one dayhe becomes a circus clown. Color- ful
animated story, filled with melodies andsound effects. PC speaker or Sound Blaster.Requires 512k, EGA/VGA,hard drive,mouse. Newregistration options!
SHOOTSP.ZIP 18,647 01-16-92 E/Vga Shoot and Spell Game for Kids.
SINKEM.ZIP 76,135 05-05-90 Funny Word Game for Kids and Adults
SPARTY.ZIP 595,013 05-13-94 BILLY BEAR LET'S PARTY - Educational Multi-media Program. Children's storybook color-ful animation, music & sound effects. It isBilly Bear sister's birthday and you are in-vited to the surprise party. Open gifts, wa-
ter balloon fight and even visit the carni-val. PC speaker/Sound Blaster. Requires EGA/VGA, hard drive,mouse. $15.00 registrationgives you all the graphics used in BB LET'SPARTY & 12 songs to use with STORYMAKER+.
SPELLGM.ZIP 156,818 02-04-93 SPELL GAMES is a game to help you practicespelling. The game pits your country againstan opponent. Each time you spell a wordcorrectly, your team wins a point. If youmake a mistake, your opponent gains a point.
Winner is rewarded with a ceremony where thenational anthem is played and the flag israised. ASP Shareware from TexaSoft.
SSIGN.ZIP 528,880 05-25-94 BILLY BEAR LEARNS HOW TO SIGN EGA Education-al Multimedia Program. 2 children's story-books w/animation, music & sound effects.Billy Bear shows you how to "talk" using theEnglish Sign Language. BILLY BEAR DOWN ON THE
FARM is a story using sign language. PCspeaker or Sound Blaster. Requires 512k,EGA/VGA,hard disk,mouse. Registration gives youall the graphics used in both of these BillyBear books to use with STORYMAKER+. $15
STORYV23.ZIP 376,292 05-12-94 STORYMAKER+ v2.3-EGA Educational Multimedia.Creates and reads talking storybooks w/ ani-mation, music & sound effects. NEW: Run-timereader module & more animation effects. Hasscenery and animation editors, melody editor
w/ animated piano, text editor for text-to-speech. Accepts VOC/CMF files. PC speaker orSound Blaster. Requires 512k,256k EGA/VGA,hard drive, mouse. Registration brings bonusgraphics & Voicemaker speech program. $23
STP302.ZIP 344,476 07-27-93 SAVE THE PLANET 1993 v.3.02 - Educationalprogram all about YOUR Global Environment! Itcovers both the science and politics of OzoneDepletion, Global Warming, Explosion InPopulation, Deforestation & more, using
graphics, text and maps. All New in 1993:Database/Word Processor for letters to the1993 Congress, with voting records of 1992Congress, latest ozone hole info, A globalwarming simulator & GREEN BBS List Update!
SUNDAY.ZIP 128,277 06-04-93 SUNDAY SCHOOL COLORS V3.7 \- A coloring gamefor kids. Needs EGA or VGA monitor and mouse.Kids have fun with coloring and sound effectswhile learning bible truths. Soundblaster
sound is optional. If no soundblaster card isdetected, then the pc speaker sound alonewill play. For kids ages 3 - 13. RandallAlaimo, member ASP.
SVAC.ZIP 738,644 06-05-94 BILLY BEAR'S SUMMER VACATION;EGA EducationalMultimedia Program. Children's storybook w/animation, music & sound effects. Billy Bearexplores the outdoors. Swim in the MichiganGreat Lakes and hike down nature trails. PC
speaker or Sound Blaster. Requires 512k, EGA/VGA,hard disk,mouse. Registration gives youall the graphics used in BB's VACATION, 12songs & 12 sound effects to use with STORY-MAKER+. $15
SWATM.ZIP 22,238 09-23-93 SwatM Jr. 1.1a by Jim Fox. Is a simple WIN31hand-eye coordination game for youngchildren. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
TALKABC1.ZIP 167,650 01-18-92 Alphabet Game for 3-5 Year Olds. Nice GraphIcs and Voice. 1 of 2.
TATRHED.ZIP 23,397 05-18-92 Simple Mr. Potato Head Game for Young Kids.
THANG11.ZIP 38,554 02-15-93 * Tri-Hang 1.10 - This game mocks thechildhood game of hangman. Added 20 morepuzzles to this version, along with anactuall Hang-Man dude that develops when theuser misses a letter. Written by Bruce W.Farley *
THMATH20.ZIP 202,315 12-15-93 TREASURE HUNT MATH v2.0 NEW! 12/93 <ASP>Elementary math (grades 1-6) in arcade-stylegame for home&school. Basic math operations,and more. Prints certificates of achievement& math tests. Record keeping. Includes
MathTris, a falling blocks-style math game.Register ($19.95) for more subjects & aneditor to add or customize math problems &printed doc. From ADVENTURE LEARNINGWARE. Labpacks/network/site licenses available.
TOMTRAIN.ZIP 106,000 06-10-93 TOMMY'S GORILLA BALL TRAIN An absolutelysilly game for kids 8 and up. Steer the trainand toot the horn until... Works with any IBMPC or clone, any monitor, no mouse orjoystick needed. Written by aliens from outer
TOYBOXS.ZIP 50,796 07-16-93 Toy Box v3.05. Collection of toys forchildren. The toys enable one to createcolorful drawings, play and replay music bymaking the PC's keys act like the keys of apiano, listen to computer generated music an
VIRADAM.ZIP 46,767 03-24-93 Virtual reality game for 8 year old
VORTEX12.ZIP 73,063 08-25-91 VORTEX v1.2 childrens game, the object is tocapture as many tornadoes as possible.
WORDT.ZIP 320,733 10-03-92 Wordtrix V.10. Phonics Program for YoungChildren. Like Tetris, Child Matches LetterPair With Word. Difficulty May be Adjustedfor Kids of Various Ages and Levels (Ie. WithPicture, Without Picture, 'silent E'
ZZCOLR10.ZIP 100,981 08-08-93 ZZColor v1.0: MS-Windows color by numberstype game for children 2-10 years of age;